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Making the Case for Discovery (Part 1)

Every educator I’ve ever known constantly feels like they’re behind the eight ball, including communicators who support educators. Too often, they’re asked to churn out work within a week, or maybe within a day. Getting it right becomes second-priority to getting it out the door. You feelin’ me on this one? In case it helps,…

Making the Case for Discovery (Part 2)

In a previous post, I wrote about how an otherwise routine discovery process revealed a breathtaking data point. And how that insight led to a widely appealing story angle that generated a surprising amount of media coverage for PEBC. I’ll continue the argument for investing time and resources in discovery, including original research, by sharing a…

The 4 Essential Components of a Brand Strategy

Four Foundational Brand Components The idea of a brand means a lot of different things to different people. And agencies who specialize in branding all approach the process in slightly different ways. But if you’re contemplating a branding process — developing a new brand strategy, or refreshing an existing brand — there are four foundational brand…

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