
Making the Case for Discovery (Part 1)

Every educator I’ve ever known constantly feels like they’re behind the eight ball, including communicators who support educators. Too often, they’re asked to churn out work within a week, or maybe within a day. Getting it right becomes second-priority to getting it out the door. You feelin’ me on this one? In case it helps,…

Making the Case for Discovery (Part 2)

In a previous post, I wrote about how an otherwise routine discovery process revealed a breathtaking data point. And how that insight led to a widely appealing story angle that generated a surprising amount of media coverage for PEBC. I’ll continue the argument for investing time and resources in discovery, including original research, by sharing a…

The 4 Essential Components of a Brand Strategy

Four Foundational Brand Components The idea of a brand means a lot of different things to different people. And agencies who specialize in branding all approach the process in slightly different ways. But if you’re contemplating a branding process — developing a new brand strategy, or refreshing an existing brand — there are four foundational brand…

This is a horizontal, color photograph of a beautiful, young Millennial woman of Puerto Rican descent facing her future as she celebrates the commencement graduation from college. Photographed with a Nikon D800 DSLR camera.

5 Surprising Benefits of Working with Consultants

They’re not what you’d expect. Let’s face it: consultants get a bad rap. When I worked for Denver Public Schools, I was guilty of contributing to the negative narrative. Now that I’ve experienced both in-house leadership and project-based work, I have a broader perspective on the advantages of working with a consultant to support communications within a…


The Stakeholder Feedback You’re Not Getting

What clients, donors and board members wish they could tell you — and how to get them to open up If you’re reading this post, you may be pre-dispositioned to asking for and receiving feedback. You may see feedback as a gift, one that helps us grow and continue to become the best versions of…

3 Kids Smiling

Why I’ve Learned to Love Setbacks… And You Should, Too

Why a growth mindset is just as important for adults as it is for kids Show of hands: how many of you have stumbled in the process of striving toward a goal you set just weeks ago? If you slowly raised your arm skyward (in your mind, at least), let me be the first to…


Your New Job Title: Chief Storyteller

Why branding and marketing is part of every staff member’s job description, and how you can help them do it better “We have ambitious goals to expand our network and double the number of students that we help get to and through college. To get there, it’s going to take all 620 of our team…

A smiling teacher holds up a sign that reads "Students will get 40 minutes of math instruction outdoors per week."

Branding by Nature

“You came into our lives exactly when we needed you – and Good Natured Learning is proving to be the best name for our organization. You have a gift and I’m grateful our paths crossed.” Becca Katz, Co-Founder, Good Natured Learning Build support from donors and advocates. Recruit program participants. Garner media attention and awareness.…


Why a New Logo Won’t Be Enough

New Year, New Brand? The four things you must have to refresh your identity — and how to get them done. Ah, January! The perfect time to turn over a new leaf. For the lucky among us, that may include refreshing your organization’s brand — or developing a brand from the ground up. But if…

Board Meeting

What Your Board Isn’t Telling You About Your Brand

The hidden reason why board members struggle to fundraise, advocate and recruit — and what you can do about it The strength of your board is a proxy for your organization’s overall success. The more influence and expertise board members bring, the better you’re able to advocate for your stakeholders’ interests, sharpen your efforts to…

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Top Statewide Award for WPS Rebrand

Springboard Communications is thrilled to congratulate our client Westminster Public Schools on winning the state’s top honors for their district-wide rebranding, which Springboard led in partnership with Ebb + Flow Creative. WPS was recognized by the Colorado School Public Relations Association with their Medallion Award, which is the highest honor given in the K-12 public education sector. The…

Westminster Public Schools

Testimonial: Steve Saunders, Westminster Public Schools

“Marissa Ferrari was instrumental in leading the rebranding process for Westminster Public Schools (formerly Adams County School District 50). In addition to guiding us smoothly through the process and making smart recommendations, Marissa was adept at navigating the intricacies of working with all kinds of district stakeholders, including a very invested Board of Education.“ — Steve Saunders, Director…


4 Ways to Win a Ballot Measure

Win Support by Appealing to Adult Learning Styles Last November, Denver voters overwhelmingly supported Denver Public Schools’ proposed bond and mill levy package–a whopping $628.6 million worth of improvements. While school districts can’t participate in campaigning for ballot initiatives, they can help ensure parents and other community members understand what a bond and a mill levy…

5 Best Practices in School Brochures

Boost Your School’s Brand Image As the number of school options available to families continues to increase, it’s in every school leader’s best interests to clearly communicate what makes your school stand out. Here’s why: In an environment of school choice and competition, if you’re not talking to prospective families… someone else is. While your…

The Possibility Gap

In early 2014, I’d been part of the communications team at Denver Public Schools for almost five years. The job was demanding — and inspiring — enough that it had brought me to tears many times. But on a sunny February morning, ten minutes into a professional development session for district leaders, I cried tears of…

Case Study: Before #teachstrong, There Was #elevatingteaching (Part 2)

In a previous post, I shared the first half of a case study looking at how Springboard Communications was able to help PEBC garner lots of media coverage for their incredible work to elevate teaching and, specifically, their plan to merge two highly respected teacher-prep programs to create Colorado’s largest teacher residency. While PEBC was thrilled…

Photo Credit: Nic Garcia, Chalkbeat Colorado

Case Study: Before #teachstrong, There Was #elevatingteaching (Part 1)

Photo Credit: Nic Garcia, Chalkbeat Colorado In November 2015, a coalition of 40 well-known education organizations launched a collaborative campaign under the banner Teach Strong. The campaign partners pledged to start a national dialogue aimed at making “modernizing and elevating the teaching profession the most pressing and significant education policy priority for our nation.” Over at…

15 School Marketing Tactics in 30 Minutes or Less

Is there a time when a strategy shouldn’t be innovative? Yes: when you’re a busy principal charged with running a school marketing program in your spare time. School Marketing Toolkit To help schools in Westminster Public Schools recruit students, Springboard Communications was asked to create a toolkit that would provide easy marketing ideas for busy school…


Case Study: Branding Teacher Leadership (Part 1)

Is your exciting new initiative at risk of death by edu-speak? School districts across the country are embracing teacher-leadership initiatives, and many are looking to the example set by Denver Public Schools. In 2013, DPS was among the first in the nation to create a “hybrid” teacher-leader role: highly effective teachers spend about half of the day in…

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